Principles of Policy in Constitution 1973

Constitution of Pakistan has set out some principles of policy. And it is not only responsibility of each organ and authority of state, but also of each person, who is performing functions on behalf of an organ or authority of state, to act in accordance with these principles.

Relevant Provision
Article 29 to 40 of the Constitution of Pakistan.

Importance of Principles of Policy
The Principles of policy have great importance because it provides guidance to coming generation.

Principles of Policy in Constitution of Pakistan 1973

Following are the principles of policy in Constitution of Pakistan 1973

1. Islamic Way of life
It is responsibility of state to provide facilities to enable the Muslims to understand meaning of life according to Holy Quran and Sunnah. And also responsibility of state to teaching of Holy Quran and Islamiat, learning of Arabic language, secure correct and exact printing and publishing of Holy Quran, observation of Islamic moral stands and Zakat, Ushr, Auqaf and Mosques.

2. Discouragement of Prejudices
It is responsibility of state to discourage parochial, racial, tribal, sectarian and provincial prejudices among the citizens.

3. Promotion of Local Government Institutions
It is responsibility of state to encourage local government institutions in such manner that such institutions should be composed of elected representatives of the concerned areas and special representation should be given to peasants, workers and women in such institutions.

4. Protection of Family
It is responsibility of state to protect marriage, family, mother and child.

5. Full Participation of women in National Life
It is responsibility of state to ensure full participation of women in all spheres of national life.

6. Protection of Minorities
It is responsibility of state to safeguard legitimate rights and interests of minorities. And its also state responsibility to safeguard due representation of minorities in federal and provincial services.

7. Promotion of Social Justice and Eradication of Social Evils
For promotion of social justice and eradication of social evils, followings are responsibilities of state:

a. Development of Backward Classes and Areas
It’s state responsibility to promote educational and economic interests of backward classes or areas.

b. Removal of Illiteracy
It’s state responsibility to remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period.

c. Technical and Professional Education
It’s state responsibility to make technical and professional education generally available and higher education equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

d. Conditions of Work
It’s state responsibility to secure just and humane conditions of work, to ensure that children and women are not employed in those vocations, which are unsuited to their age or sex, and to ensure maternity benefits for women in employment.

e. Prevention of Consumption of Alcoholic Liquor
It’s state responsibility to prevent consumption of alcoholic liquor especially when such consumption is not form medicinal purposes and non-Muslim’s religious purposes.

8. Promotion of Social and Economic Well-being of People
For promotion of social and economic well-being of people, followings are responsibilities of stat:

a. Standard of Life
State is responsible to secure well-being of people, to raise their standard of living, to prevent concentration of wealth and means of production and distribution in the hands of a few, and to ensure equitable adjustment of rights between employers and employees, and landlords and tenants.

b. Facilities for Work and Social Security
State is responsible to provide facilities for work and adequate livelihood with reasonable rest, leisure and social security by compulsory social insurance or other means.

c. Elimination of Riba
State is responsible to eliminate riba as early as possible

d. Participation of people in armed Forces
State is responsible to enable people from all parts of Pakistan to participate in Armed Forces of Pakistan.

9. Strengthening Bounds with Muslim World and Promoting International Peace
It is a state responsibility to strengthening bounds with Muslim world and promoting international peace in all forms.

Final Analysis

Finally, I can say that constitution of Pakistan makes President of Pakistan responsible for preparation of a report on observance and implementation of principles of policy and for presentation of such report to parliament. And such report should be made each year. The same responsibility is also for Governor in his/her respective province.

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