Power of Attorney and it’s Kinds

1. Introduction
In this present modern world, activities and engagements of every person have been greatly increased. As every person has become busier due to his hectic activities and engagements, therefore it has become more and more necessary for him to depend on others for getting his work done. Under these circumstances, importance of power of attorney has been increased.

2. Definition
Power of attorney includes any instruments, which empower some specified person to act for and in name of that person, who executes it.

3. Kinds of Power of Attorney

Followings are kinds of power of attorney:

a. General Power of Attorney
General Power of attorney is that power of attorney through which agent has been granted power to perform several acts or to exercise all powers, which principal can exercise in respect of some property or matter.

b. Special Power of Attorney
Special power of attorney is that power of attorney by which a person is appointed to do some specified act.

c. Irrevocable Power of Attorney
when principal cannot revoke power of attorney, such power of attorney is called irrevocable power of attorney.

d. Durable Power of Attorney
Durable power of attorney is that power attorney, which remains in force even when principal becomes incompetent to grant power of attorney.

General Power of Attorney

BY THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY I, Noor Ahmad s/o Sami Ullah , caste by Dogar, R/O P-265, Sector F, New Garden Valley, Islamabad, appoints Parveez Ali s/o Waqas Ali, caste by Jutt, R/O House No. 25, Block A, Ameen Pur Colony, Islamabad, my attorney in my name and on my behalf to execute or do all or any of the acts or things hereinafter mentioned, that is to say:

1. To appear and act in all the courts, Civil, Revenue or Criminal whether original or appellate, in the Registration Offices and in any other office of Government of District Board, Municipal Board or Notified Area or any other local authority.

2. To sing and verify plaints, written statements, petitions of claims and objection, memorandum of appeal and petitions and applications of all kinds and to file them in any such court and office.

3. To appoint any advocate, Vakil, Pleader, Mukhtar, agent or other legal practitioner.

4. To compromise, compound or withdraw cases, to confess judgments and to refer cases to arbitration.

5. To file and receive back documents to deposit and withdraw money and to grant receipts therefore.

6. To obtain refund of stamp duty or repayment of Court fees.

7. To purchase property at court auction sales in execution of my decree up to the amount of the decree.

8. To take delivery of possession of property in execution of my decrees or of property purchased for me at an auction sale.

9. To realize debts due to me, to collect rents from my tenants of houses and lands and to receive my money due to me from any other person and to grant receipts and discharges for the same.

10. To distain the crops of my tenants for arrears of rent.
11. To grant leases of my house property, lands agricultural or non-agricultural.

12. To file suit for rents and ejectment of tenants, and when expressly instructed by me, other kinds of suit.

13. To apply to courts and offices copies of documents ad papers.

14. To apply for the inspection of and to inspect judicial records.

15. To nominate and to give consent to the appointment of a village officer, a Lambardar of a Choukidar.

16. To accept service of any summons, notice or with issued by any court or office against me.

And I, Noor Ahmad s/o Sami Ullah, agree that all acts, things and deeds, which my attorney named Parveez Ali s/o Waqas Ali will do on my behalf, will considered as acts, things and deeds done by me. Even this power of attorney will ratify and confirm all those acts, things, and deeds, which my attorney named Parveez Ali will lawfully do on my behalf through exercise of that power, which is granted to him through this power of attorney.

In presence of witness I, Noor Ahmad, have signed this power of attorney on 18-3-2010.

>> Principle Name and Signature
>> Agent Name and Signature
>> Witness No. 1 Name and Signature
>> Witness No. 2 Name and Signature

Deed of Revocation of Power of Attorney

THIS DEED OF REVOCATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY is made the ………. Day of……… by me. A.B, of, etc

WHEREAS by a Power of Attorney executed by me on the ……… day of………I appointed C.D… of , etc., my lawful attorney for me, in my name and on my behalf to do and execute all acts, deeds and things, therein recited.

And whereas it has become necessary to revoke the power.

NOW BY THIS deed I absolutely and completely revoke the said Power of Attorney as also all power of authority thereby given to him either expressly or impliedly. Provided that nothings herein contained shall render invalid any act, deed or thing lawfully done or cause to be done by the said attorney by virtue of the power given to him before the revocation thereof by these presents.

>> Principle Name and Signature
>> Witness No. 1 Name and Signature

>> witness No. 2 Name and Signature

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